Trademark Infringement: Details About Safeguarding Trademark Legally!

Trademark is a mark of authenticity and uniqueness for a company product or services. It ensures that the products having the mark, are from same company, hence the scope of trust is increased in the customers. The trademark can be graphics, smell, sound, shape, etc. but it has to be unique. Once a company decides upon a trademark, then the next step involves the trademark registration, to make it legally the property of the company. But even after trademark registration and certification , if some company tries to use a logo or mark similar to your mark, then you can take a strict legal action with assistance of legal attorneys , against it. The process involves violation of the exclusive rights over the trademark, by the unauthorized use of another company. This infringement is performed by the use of the trademark which is similar to the trademark of the original company, with the objective of creating confusion for the customers. Whenever the trademark i...